Absolute Carpet Cleaning
925 Hart Street
Gallatin, TN
(615) 310-6514
Regular Business Hours
(615) 893-4343
After Hours/Emergencies

Carpet Cleaning Bait & Switch Scam
Here is what you really get for $9.95 per room.
We have all seen the ads and commercials. Only $9.95 per room, three rooms for $49.95 or something similar. You get excited to see such a good price so you call and make an appointment. You hang up and believe you have a great deal on professionally cleaned carpets.
Unfortunately, rarely will anyone actually pay these prices to have their carpet cleaned. That is not unless you only want hot water sprayed on your carpets without any cleaning chemicals. Yes, that's right.
Over the past few years, a number of news outlets have spent time going undercover exposing this bait and switch technique. Click on any of the videos below to see them. At Absolute Carpet Cleaning, we don't bait and switch. We don't want anyone doing that to us and we won't do it to you, our customer, either. Our cleaning packages are priced with cleaning chemicals and the service you expect and demand. We do not upsell. Our price is our price. So, when you see an ad for really low prices, it will likely be for service far from what you want and the low price will end up being much higher in the end. To check out our all-inclusive prices, click here.